As we continue moving into the future of digital marketing, everyone seems to have the same buzzword in mind: hyper-personalization. While it may feel tired, there’s truth behind it. Personalization is becoming more of a requirement than an expectation. We live in a world where food can be delivered at the touch of a button and our phones automatically create slideshows from the memories we’ve snapped at a given location. So it’s about time that you too start meeting customers where they are. And what better place to start than your website?

So what are the key elements of a hyper-personalized website?

Well, gone are the days of basic boilerplate websites that might as well be copy-and-pasted from competitors. It’s time to enhance your online presence with a few simple tips that help everyone feel seen on your site. And of course, help your products stand out from the crowded marketplace. Because at the end of the day, no one wants to feel like just another pixel.

Figure Out Your Audience

Step one: Figure out who’s coming to your site and use that data to make key content decisions. For example, who are you targeting? Who’s responding to your products or services more than others? Once you’ve narrowed down a demographic (or two), add features or copy that speaks directly to that demographic.

And deeper than demographics, determine a user’s site activity. Are they browsing product plans? Reading blog posts? Inputting their contact information? Understanding what they’re doing or looking for will help you speak to users on a more personalized level.

Bottom line: Make sure you’ve got a system working to collect customer data on your site. You’ll never successfully personalize your site without having an understanding of who you’re personalizing content for. A great start is Google Analytics! It’s free and packed with everything you need to understand your website visitors.

1. Geo-Targeting

Let’s get technical. If you run a large organization with lots of locations in different cities, reaching people where they are (literally) is important. Maybe you offer different products or experiences for each location. When you geo-target, you can automatically redirect users to information about locations near them. This creates a convenient, seamless experience and ultimately encourages people to stick around rather leaving users frustrated at having to search for relevant information.

2. Headlines & Heroes

A great rule of thumb — hit users at the homepage. The homepage headline is likely the first thing someone reads on your site, so why not personalize it? You should customize headlines based on your target audience. Adding applicable images (say, stock photos representing a given user’s industry) takes that personalization to the next level. You can even customize sub-headings and text copy.

3. Testimonials

Do you have a bunch 5-Star reviews? Your website is absolutely the place to show off! Did you know that you can easily add customer review “widgets” to your website that automatically update in real time. What a great way to show your prospects the wonderful job you and your team can do for them. As an added bonus, reviews that update in real-time are a great way to add “fresh” content to your website. Google will take notice as new information is populated, and this could help your ranking over time!

4. Blog Content

Great data can tell you what products or services visitors are most interested in. For example, if your target audience is interested in financial services, post blog articles that deep-dive into finance related topics or showcase the top financial products you offer and/or recommend. Always include valuable content that the reader can implement right away without the need to pay for it. PDF downloads are a great way to deliver valuable content (and to capture their email address).

5. Call-to-Actions

Now we’re really getting granular. It may seem simple but is effective… Depending on who a customer is, whether they’re returning or a newbie, what industry they’re in, or what their interests are, you should tailor your CTAs (Call To Actions). The easiest way to do this is with specific product or service pages (landing pages). So let’s say a user landed on your lawn fertilizing page, you should include specific CTA’s for fertilizing vs. generic CTA’s that cover a broad range of services.

If you have an upcoming event, include a CTA that says Book Now with a link to that location’s registration. The more specific you can be on your landing pages, the more you can successfully convert that lead.


Are you really speaking to your audience? Or are you just speaking to…someone? The answer to that question can make a big difference in your bottom line. Because when people feel seen and heard, rather than just a number on your invisible list, they’re more likely to keep clicking back to your site for more and more. Remember, building customer loyalty means you’re one step closer to building the business of your dreams. More questions on perfecting a stellar website? Contact us.

About us – Web Fox Marketing is a web agency in Livonia, Michigan SEO and digital advertising specialists. We serve our surrounding communities nearby Livonia, Novi, West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills, Ann Arbor and beyond. In addition to providing digital advertising services, we are skilled in search-engine advantages , Google Ads marketing (Pay Per Click), Search Engine Optimization services, social media prominence, and more!

Your website most certainly is a critical step, as success in our connected world is dependent on Google/Bing authority & significant exposure to diverse advertising outlets. Our Michigan lead generation agency is happy to assist you with any kind of inquiries you have. Contact us now and let’s get started creating your responsive site!